
IDAI Metaverse

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The Valencian company IDAI NATURE is committed to innovation by breaking into the new virtual world with the creation of IDAI Metaverse, a complete virtual space in which people from the Idai world can discover the Metaverse experience, with a high level of interaction in a highly realistic immersive environment.

The new Idai Nature Virtual Showroom, the IDAI Metaverse, was inaugurated by meta-v-arch at the BIOAG WORLD CONGRESS International Event.

The new virtual space, developed using EPIC GAMES’ Unreal Engine graphics engine and supported by OCULUS VR, allows to experience with maximum realism the visit to the Company through its Hall, Meeting Rooms, Showroom or Virtual Attention, facilitating live interaction between users, both from the Company and guests from anywhere in the world.

In IDAI Metaverse you can take a virtual tour of the Showroom guided by the Company’s staff (Multiplayer environment), in which you can interact with audiovisual elements such as Monitors or Video-Wall, with technical elements such as Lighting or Sound, or with objects such as Raw Material Containers, Trophies, or the product Jars themselves. For example, during the tour it is possible to hold any of the Trophies in the Exhibitor’s hands, to see it in the foreground, to change its position, or even to throw it. Similarly, the Meeting Rooms allow for virtual meetings between Idai Team staff and invited users, while the Virtual Customer Service area allows Distributors or Customers to be attended with full interactivity. The next stages in the development of the IDAI Metaverse project will allow the capacity to be expanded for the creation of large events, as well as the integration of e-commerce in Metaverso itself.

Vision on the Metaverse and its architecture

Both IDAI NATURE and RUBEN MUEDRA are aware of the possibilities offered by the METAVERSE in the medium and long term, which will lead to a paradigm shift in Social and Professional relations, or in the world of Entertainment and Commerce. It is a change equivalent to that brought about not so many years ago by the World Wide Web (WWW) or Internet, which we initially knew as “Cyberspace”.

We currently have the necessary Infrastructure, in continuous development, to respond to the new demands; 5G, WiFi 6, 6G, Cloud, GPUs, etc. This Infrastructure is accompanied by Human Interface Devices, such as Smartphones, Smartglasses, Wearables, etc.; which, being in development, already allow us to enjoy highly immersive Virtual Experiences.

On the other hand, the irruption of Blockchain technology allows us to create these new worlds as Decentralised, which will probably multiply their possibilities and scalability. The development of AI Agents and Edge Computing will boost their capacity.

At this level, 3D Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Engines, such as EPIC GAMES or UNITY, play a fundamental role in the development, probably even more so than the major existing technologies.

Prior to the Discovery and User Experience levels, the Creator Economy appears, with Design Tools, Asset Market, Workflows and Trade as main elements.

At the Discovery or Discovery stage, the Marketing and Communication Strategies of Companies, as well as Social Data Analysis, will come into play. The full professional or commercial functionality of the Metaverse will be achieved at this stage.

Finally, the User Experience phase, which includes Gaming, Social Networks, eSports, Events, Shopping, etc., will complete the paradigm shift.

Although, at present, the term “Metaverse” only represents an idea of what is to come, as was the case with “Cyberspace” as a generic concept prior to the creation of the Internet in 1989, we must be prepared for a new imminent technological revolution. Thus, as a disruptive innovation, IDAI NATURE together with the development of meta-v-arch, starts the way with the IDAI METAVERSE.

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